Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE MSO-496 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1956 RM Blumenberg Hymie Charleston SC
1957 BT Gregory James Canton OH
1957 EN Louie E. Bond Louie E. Bond Waynesboro GA
1957 EN Louie E. Bond Louie E. Bond Waynesboro GA
1957 RM Jarrrard William Balitmore MD
1957 YN Balitewicz Aka Ski Robert Easrt Chicago IN
1958 QM Gilbertson Kroger P Morris IL
1959 LTJG Turner Charles Detroit MI
1959 RM Williams Trenton Pensacola FL
1959 SN Saeva David Albion NY
1959 SO Phillips Floyd Drain OR
1960 EN Harrington Robert Lafayette LA
1960 RD Mcmillen Howard Switchback WV
1960 SN Vestal William Evansville IN
1961 LTJG Forman Robert North Babylon NY
1962 EN Herring Robert TX
1962 EN Mouton Robert Lafayette LA
1962 IC Jennings Jim Vidor TX
1962 RM Berkebile Edward Charlotte NC
1963 BT Foster Bill Austin TX
1965 LTJG Harrer Roger Weiser ID
1965 SK Stewart Loy Elkins AR
1966 EN Holbrook Jerry Denver CO
1966 ET Havecker Robert Little Ferry NJ
1966 LT Dawson Richard Palo Alto CA
1966 RD Zito Frank Staten Island NY
1966 RD Zito Frank Staten Island NY
1966 RM Ryman Mike Bristol IN
1966 YN Lewis Richard Loves Park IL
1967 QM Riccio Alfred Philadelphia PA
1967 SN Wheeler Forrest Watha NC
1968 EN Vercruysse Michael Eldred PA
1968 LTJG Simple Roland Windsor CT
1968 RD Feuerlein Pete Philadelpha PA
1968 RM Howland Ed Riverside CA
1969 EM Dziengielewski Bruce Milwaukee WI
1969 EM Mead Thomas Fort Myers FL
1969 SN Booth Steve Halltown MO
1970 CMDR Conwell Douglas Atlanta GA
1970 RD Mccarthy Roy Hampton Bays NY





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