Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE MSO-491 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1957 EN Bertagnolli Dan Hudson WY
1957 SO Hebert Daniel Biloxi MS
1959 SK Robitzsch William New Smyrna Beach FL
1960 SK Robitzsch Bill New Smyrna Beach FL
1961 EN Peters Ronald Houston TX
1963 EN Webert David Portland MI
1963 FN Renfro Donald Sunnymead CA
1963 RM Meador Corbin Lafayette TN
1965 BM Tittle James Chicago IL
1965 LTJG Sommer Roger Waco TX
1965 SCPO Thurman Tom (t. W.) Chicago IL
1965 SK Woodraska Gerald Spencer SD
1965 YN Lewis Doyle Chattanooga TN
1966 EM St George Jerry Petaluma CA
1966 EM Jerry Petaluma CA
1966 EM Jerry Petaluma CA
1966 EN Vanvalkenburg Kip Turner MT
1966 EN Vanvalkenburg Kip Turner MT
1966 ST Keywehak Gilbert Mount Pleasant MI
1967 DC Kimes Tom Cartage MO
1967 EM Schleicher John New Britain MA
1967 EN Smith David New Orleans
1967 EN Smith David New Orleans LA
1967 EN Smith. David New Orleans LA
1967 EN Winfrey Ron Roseburg OR
1967 GM Kitchen Sherman Cleveland OH
1967 RM Ingham Kenneth Modesto CA
1967 SM Nierling Charles Champaign IL
1967 SN Hendrickson Gilbert Mekoryuk AK
1968 BM Hamner Mike Moab UT
1968 BM Santiago Reinaldo Adjuntas PR
1968 ET Arroyo Nelson Youngstown OH
1968 ET Moody Jack Tignall GA
1968 ET Shepard David San Diego CA
1968 QM Church Robert Canton NY
1968 QM Church Robert Canton NY
1968 RM Whitaker Dave Sommerset KY
1968 ST Kuntz Roy Fairport NY
1968 ST Kuntz Roy Rochester NY
1968 ST Kuntz Roy Fairport NY
1969 BM Howey Jerry Midland MI
1969 BM Lowey Doug Alvin TX
1969 BM Nevin Terry Bremerton WA
1969 DC Flaherty Robert Pittsburgh PA
1969 EN Carter Charles Rockwood TN
1969 ET Stout Jackie Bremerton WA
1969 LCDR Sheafer Edward Pittsburgh PA
1969 QM Haynes Marion Stamford CT
1969 RD Bottitta Frank Hicksville NY
1969 SM Robledo Thomas San Antonio TX
1970 Hoffer Ron
1970 EM Pence Merle Columbia City NV
1970 RM Bost Roger Statesville NC





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