Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE DDG-54 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 Petersondeb Ltp Gary Philadelphia PA
1940 Remson --
1991 CPO Francis Dean Fond Du Lac WI
1991 CPO Francis Dean Fond Du Lac WI
1991 FC Bianconi Mike Tampa FL
1991 FC Remson Vince Anderson IN
1991 FC Roman Trey San Antonio TX
1991 OS Mccarty Dean Fredericksburg VA
1991 ST Adolphson Scott Faribault MN
1992 CPO Aston James Deltona FL
1992 CPO Bassett Hal Brea CA
1992 CPO Kersey Ric Indianapolis IN
1992 CPO Robbins Gerald Jacksonville FL
1992 CPO Rodriguez Edwin Lorain OH
1992 ET Armour William Irvine CA
1992 ET Powell Richard --
1992 GS Harden Craig South Lyon MI
1992 IC Blichfeldt Craig St Paul MN
1992 IC Conroy Michael Pine Ridge SD
1992 LT Peterson Gary Philadelphia PA
1992 MCPO Jones Calvin Hillsboro OR
1992 MR Sipchen Bill Buffalo Grove IL
1992 SCPO Lochman Christopher Ketchikan AK
1992 SK Hodges William Silver Spring MD
1992 ST Newsome Jason Fresno CA
1992 ST Thomas Danny Star City AR
1993 DC Sandoval Charles Denver CO
1993 EM Trueax Joseph Redmond OR
1993 ET Carson Quintin Oakland CA
1993 ET Carson Quintin Oakland CA
1993 ET English Larry Philadelphia PA
1993 ET English Larry Philadelphia PA
1993 FC East Charles Carlsbad NM
1993 FC East Charles Carlsbad NM
1993 FC Reed James Dayton OH
1993 FC Trefzger Cris ( T-Bone) Cincinnati OH
1993 GM Jones Mitchell Los Angeles CA
1993 GS Connelly Hank Batesburg SC
1993 GS Darnell Rick Batavia OH
1993 GS Hanna Paul Ann Arbor MI
1993 GS Moore Duane Vancouver WA
1993 GS Ward Scott Houston TX
1993 MS Carr Gary West Burke VT
1993 MS Giove Pete Rockland MA
1993 OS Gaulke Rob Cheyenne WY
1993 OS Stewart Jason Terre Haute IN
1993 OS Wegner Anthony New Hampton IA
1993 QM Wink Frank Wyncote PA
1993 QM Wink Frank Philadelphia PA
1993 ST White Thomas Gardner MA
1993 YN Wardrett Javon Hampton VA
1994 FC Ertelt Chad Fingal ND
1994 FC Isenman James Ravenna OH
1994 GM Gross Philip Petersburg VA
1994 LT Garcia Gene San Diego TX
1994 OS Briese Walter E. San Diego CA
1994 RM Godin Dennis Atlanta GA
1994 RM Janulewicz Phil Grand Island NE
1994 SM Howard Jay Germantown OH
1994 SN Ballard Jason Pomona CA
1994 ST Elliott Mark Overland Park KS
1995 EW Reed (Was Eyler) Beth Lynchburg VA
1995 FC Ciancia Jeff Boise ID
1995 FC Wojcicki Brian Peoria AZ
1995 FC Wojcicki Brian Peoria AZ
1995 GS Chesler Robert Uniontown PA
1995 GS Summers Joseph Shirley NY
1995 OS Mosier Patience Jacksonville FL
1995 OS Ward Nathan Hartford WV
1995 SN Floth Tiffanie Oregon OR
1995 ST Good (baumgartner) Seth Waterbury CT
1995 ST Mcgovern Ryan Livermore CA
1996 CPO Butcher Donald Waldport OR
1996 CPO Halal Anthony San Diego CA
1996 CWO Tamillo Mark San Diego CA
1996 DC Encinias Eddie Rocky Ford CO
1996 EM Johnson Kris Interlachen FL
1996 EM Ortiz Pedro (lugo) PR
1996 ET Costello Ray Colton CA
1996 ET Schroeder Scott Gautier MS
1996 GS Irwin Justin Loveland CO
1996 GS Moore Jeremy Belk AL
1996 GS Paez Ronald Cabanatuan City CA
1996 GS Parker Joseph --
1996 LCDR Benson Kirk Bend OR
1996 LT Kochendorfer John Newport RI
1996 LTJG Lind Eric Framingham MA
1996 MS Henkelman Harvey Tampa FL
1996 QM Newland Christopher Vancouver WA
1996 RM Taylor (Formerly Rid Kimberly Herne Bay CA
1996 SCPO Saneewong Kitt Los Angeles CA
1996 ST Stoufer Pete Santa Rosa CA
1997 GS Bituin Alfonso Los Angeles CA
1997 LT Bufkin (Noble) Nicholie St Paul MN
1997 SCPO Pangalangan Donald Manila PI
1998 CPO Summerour Scott Pearblossom CA
1998 GS Clifton Shane South Saint Paul MN
1998 GS Sttots Robert MO
1999 ET Meyerhoff Sean Conneaut Lake PA
1999 SN Chartier Gabrielle Syracuse NY
1999 SN Chartier Gabrielle Syracuse NY
2000 HM Villamayor Eileen San Diego CA
2000 LTJG Jones Joseph Little Rock AR
2000 RD Noringhang Nome Vandalia MI
2000 YN Muehlenbrock Clinton Memphis TN
2001 BM Rosales Tomas Chowchilla CA
2001 CPO Zano Joven Philippines VA
2001 ET Bame Michael Winston-salem NC
2001 EW Hawkins Robert Port Huron MI
2001 GM Sylvester Joshua Ville Platte LA
2001 HM Piddington Daniel Chicago IL
2001 SCPO James Rick Orrville OH
2001 SCPO Piazza Michael Haskell NJ
2002 BM Welchel Jason --
2002 DC Sherrod Thomas Deptford NJ
2002 EW Phillips Eddie San Antonio TX
2002 OS Welchel Jason Rock Hill SC
2004 EW Cerasani Louis Akron NY
2005 OS Damon Michael Mineola NY
2006 -- Williams Mary Alta Vista KS
2007 FC Duffy Chris Miller Place NY
2008 DC Mckenzie Erik Helena AL
2009 GS Hollamon Donald Medina OH





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