Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE VP-11 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1952 AE Duhamel Tony Sayville NY
1953 AT Handly Bob Perryton TX
1953 AT Yeager Ken Wisconsin Rapids WI
1953 LCDR Perry John Unknown ME
1953 LCDR Scagos George Barrington RI
1953 SCPO Suart Edward Ray St Augustine FL
1956 AE Harrison George Litchfield OH
1956 AM Bayne John Plattsburgh NY
1957 AK Makuch Richard Dunkirk NY
1957 AK Makuch Richard Dunkirk NY
1957 AK Makuch Richard Dunkirk NY
1957 SCPO Colby Steve Lisbon NH
1958 AO Dalby --
1958 AT Shan Jaci Carlsbad NM
1959 AD Fisher Mike Walden NY
1959 AD Fisher Mike Walden NY
1959 AK Hastings Bruce MN
1959 AT Holmes Carleton South Berwick ME
1959 PN Hastings Bruce MN
1959 SM Komendat Roger Highland IN
1959 SM Komendat Roger Highland IN
1960 PFC Johnson Roger Sheffield PA
1961 AD Korber Ron Greensburg PA
1961 AD Korber Ron Greensburg PA
1961 AM Grant Ted Brunswick ME
1961 AO Mccord James Nyack NY
1961 AO Mccord James Nyack NY
1961 AT Sipe Henry Waynesboro VA
1961 CS Monroe James Klickitat WA
1962 AO Clevenger Donald Bessemer AL
1963 AD Austin Eugene Bellevue OH
1963 AD Brown William West Point VA
1963 AE Hydreos Nicholas Arleta CA
1963 AT Owens John Salem NJ
1963 CWO Kraft Jerry Pleasantville NJ
1963 PN Day Bruce New Baden IL
1964 AC Mayhugh Harold Creighton PA
1964 AT Cosgrove John Buffalo NY
1964 AT Cosgrove John Wellsville NY
1965 AT Carr William Plattsburgh NY
1965 AX Jones Ron Bastrop LA
1966 AM Dingee Carl Ocala FL
1966 AM Niemann Larry Los Angeles CA
1968 AD Koehneke Robert Hamlet IN
1968 AT Longan Fred Wichita KS
1968 AW Gruwell Steve Ottumwa IA
1968 AW Meredith William B Liberty NY
1969 AE Smith Ron St. Albans WV
1969 AM Wiggins Barry Mooresville NC
1969 AO Couture Gilbert Rumford ME
1969 AW Jones Kirby Dayton OH
1970 AD Charon Bill
1970 AD Powell Jeff
1970 AE Westmark Chris Tampa FL
1970 AO Beloin Dennis FL
1970 AO Berg Dean MN
1970 AO Fink Dan FL
1970 AO Johnson David Roebuck SC
1970 AO Johnson David Roebuck SC
1970 AO Levesque Ron ME
1970 AO Royer Dave
1970 AS Arms Ricky Portsmouth OH
1970 AW Dashiell Tom Spartanburg SC
1970 AW Krumwiede Robert Bensenville IL
1970 AW Maxwell Dwight Douglas Wheaton IL
1970 CPO Hammond Paul Orange Park FL
1970 CPO Stopinski
1971 AD French Ken
1971 AE Lombardo Charles Howell NJ
1971 AM Wesley Robert-bob Fremont MI
1971 AT Klitsch Roger / Butch New York NY
1971 AT Mederios Bob MA
1971 AW Shea John Southern NH
1971 AW Voisine Rowland Millenockett ME
1971 CPO Powell
1971 CWO Hollaway Billy Bowie TX
1972 AB Dana Diego/Jim Ft. Lauderdale FL
1972 AD Harter Louis Palmer AK
1972 AM Henderson Sam Atlanta TX
1972 AT Hing James Ny NY
1972 CPO Terrell Ernie
1972 PN Gardner David Unknown ME
1973 AM Blimline Carl Hampton VA
1973 AM Krasko Rich Yonkers NY
1973 YN Pendell Daniel Owosso MI
1974 AW Andres Gary Alamogordo NM
1975 AB Norris Scott Westbourgh MA
1975 AD Johnson Phillip Niles MI
1975 AD Sedgwick Robert Manchester NH
1976 AK Mckibben Reginald Atlanta GA
1976 AW Tanner Ben NC
1977 Brown Marvin Key West FL
1977 AM Sullivan John Bayonne NJ
1977 AM Williams Billy Pueblo CO
1977 AT Larson Steve Chicago IL
1977 AT Nesbitt Gary Boise ID
1977 AW Mccann Chuck Jacksonville FL
1978 AW Young Mark Eugene OR
1978 AW Young Mark Eugene OR
1978 AZ Stancil James Kansas City MO
1978 SCPO May Patrick Asheville NC
1979 AB Fueshko Mark Mehoopany PA
1979 AE Peterson Bob Waterbury VT
1979 AO Barr Victor Houston ME
1980 AE Limberg Robert Aurora IL
1980 AK Miller Carl Cleveland OH
1980 AM Anlage Bill Oak Harbor WA
1981 LT Hildreth Jim Shelbyville KY
1983 AD Wildes Lawrence Portland ME
1983 AO Lonie Johnson Lennox SD
1983 AZ Armstrong Tom Mill Creek WV
1983 AZ Armstrong Tom Mill Creek WV
1983 LT Deckert Walter Pass Christian MS
1984 AT Acton Malcolm Glenview IL
1984 AT Spiller Jim Kittery ME
1984 AX Brooks Robert Fort Lauderdale FL
1984 LT Leary Mike Tiverton RI
1984 PR Suwyn Michael Elderon WI
1985 AE Cote Steve San Antonio TX
1985 AM Kaye David Howard Beach NY
1985 AM Knipp Paul Richmond IN
1985 AW Burrell Garold Boise ID
1985 AW Kresge David Lansdale PA
1985 AX Farris Gladys Newark DE
1986 AD Aiello John Tampa FL
1986 AO Gillispie Mark Texas City TX
1986 NC Derting Clifford Montgomery (monty) Tucson AZ
1986 PN Derting Anne Southhampton NJ
1986 PN Derting Anne Southhampton NJ
1987 AD Butler Lerod Detroit MI
1987 AW Stevenson Steve Denver CO
1989 AT Nuyen James Kalamazoo MI
1990 AT Honey Jim St.martinville LA
1990 AT Honey Jim St.martinville LA
1990 AT Love Jennifer AL
1991 AT Madsen David Windham ME
1991 LCDR Tempestilli Mark Maddog The Bronx NY
1991 SCPO Larson Lisa --
1992 AT Carrier Daniel Baltimore MD
1992 AT Harmon Michael Scituate MA
1992 AT Lupiani Jason Rochester NY
1993 AT Sieg Fred Pittsburgh PA
1993 AW Kroll Ken Shirley NY
1993 AW Wilkinson Curt Richmond VA
1994 AT Jones Alex Longview TX
2002 AD Williams Eric Ormond Beach FL





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