Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE AKS-1 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1941 CPO Jozwiak Miscilaw Germantown NY
1941 GM Maartense Cornelius Elmira NY
1942 BM Utter Russel Los Angeles CA
1942 SM Gross Robert Berkeley CA
1944 Any N?a
1944 RD Smith J R.(initials Only) Winnsboro LA
1945 EM Lapp Robert Pittsburgh PA
1945 ENS Rogers Wesley Buffalo NY
1946 SF Hess Albert Neal Farmington UT
1951 BT Waterfield James Richmond VA
1951 MID1 Gordon Franklin A Salt Lake City UT
1951 SK Mccoy Billy Jack Cleburne TX
1952 SM Dugan James Cincinnati OH
1952 SM Dugan James Cincinnati OH
1952 SN Campbell William Wellsburg WV
1952 SN Foehring Edward Fort Maddison IA
1953 SK Baird Ron Provo UT
1953 SK Goehring Darrel Avon SD
1953 SK Miller Guy St. Louis MO
1953 SK Miller Guy St. Louis MO
1953 SK Nounnan Jack Beverly Hills CA
1953 SK Permar Dey Asheboro NC
1953 SK Spruce Charles Sacremento CA
1953 SK Valentine Richard Spencer WV
1953 SK Walker Arthur [ Tom ] Tampa FL
1953 YN Macy Russell ( Rusty ) San Diego CA
1954 ENS Ostrom Lester Salida CO
1954 MM Reiber Frank Chesaning MI
1955 BT Cox Zane Harpster OH
1956 SK Calvert James Galena IL
1956 SN Vanderhoff John Marion OH
1957 BM Drewlo Jerry White Bear Lake MN
1957 FC Gilson Robert Lubbock TX
1957 LCDR Peffley John Goshn IN
1957 SK Adams Jack Lawrenceville IL
1957 SK Russell Carl Altus OK
1957 SK Tilman Don Las Vegas NV
1957 SN Cypher Geno CA
1958 EM Smith William ( Bill ) Olympia WA
1958 ET Drees Larry Caldwell ID
1958 SK Meloy Patrick Ottumwa IA
1958 SM Enni Andrew Antioch CA
1958 SN Harper TN
1958 SN Johnson Charlie TN
1959 BM Greenhouse ? Monroe LA
1959 EN Jones Gary Jamesport MO
1959 MM York Richard San Jose CA
1959 SK Hill Kenneth Rantoul IL
1960 BM Bickford Lonnie Doniphan MO
1960 BM Smallwood Richard Chicago IL
1960 BM Yeaman Douglas N/a UT
1960 GM Guillory Louis Daly City CA
1960 GM Prerost Frank Chicago IL
1960 RM Anderson Rusty Harlingen TX
1960 SN Valentine Richard Fresno CA
1960 YN Walker Ernest Charleston SC
1961 BT Rohr Ron Great Bend KS
1961 BT Waterfield James Richmond VA
1961 CS Mcwilliams Bobby Bowie TX
1961 CS Porter William Fayetteville AR
1961 CS Porter William Fayetteville AR
1961 CS Raymond John Hamilton MT
1961 ET Paul John Belhaven NC
1961 FT Yano Larry Denver CO
1961 MM Cates Thomas Hot Springsarkansas AR
1961 RD Koppenhaver James (dutch) Springville IA
1961 SK Pitts Phillip Kansas City KS
1961 SK Roberts Ron Lincoln NE
1962 BM Juan Duron TX
1962 BM Garry Gordon Redfield SD
1962 BM Lock Gene AL
1962 BM Mallin Arthur Jacksonville FL
1962 CS Wontorski William Marenette WI
1962 EN Minnis Bob Rossville GA
1962 GM Carpenter Jerry Los Angeles CA
1962 MM Hargrove Bobby Dayton TX
1962 RM Denton Michael Spokane WA
1963 BM Watson Rod Fall City WA
1963 BT Shelton Larry Hugoton KS
1963 EM Markworth Larry Los Angeles CA
1963 MM Gulden Dennis New Ulm MN
1963 MM Murray Joseph R Milpitas California NY
1963 MM Williams Dennis Spring Grove MN
1963 RM Trovero Michael Granville IL
1963 SK Althouse Warren Lompoc CA
1963 SK Althouse Warren Lompoc CA
1963 SK Rassier John Castro Valley CA
1963 YN Kelley William Troy NY
1964 EM Buchanan Craig Tucson AZ
1964 RM Wagner Rick Mayfield Hts OH
1964 SD Abacano Levi Jacksonville FL
1964 SF Scheidt Lavern Marion SD
1964 SF Smith Drexel Van Nuys CA
1964 SH Lavender Donald Ft Worth TX
1964 SK Arancibia Maurice San Francisco CA
1964 SK Campbell Kenneth Albuquerque NM
1964 SK Mc Cauley Dennis Champaign IL
1964 SK Mc Cauley Dennis IL
1964 SK Mcafee Timothy Niles MI
1964 SK Mcafee Timothy Niles MI
1965 BM Mortimore Richard Riverside CA
1965 BM Mortimore Richard Riverside CA
1965 BM Winne Earl Portland OR
1965 BT Mulkern Mike Portland ME
1965 BT Raghianti Larry Seattle WA
1965 DP Grodis Frank Gallitzin PA
1965 EM De La Rosa Raul ( Rudy ) Fresno CA
1965 MA Vandemark Dan Stockton CA
1965 MM Gonzales Frankie Fresno CA
1965 MM Mogey Robert North Plainfield NJ
1965 MS Smith Dennis Lancaster VA
1965 PN Overfield Larry Kansas City MO
1965 PN Overfield Larry Kansas City MO
1965 PN Overfield Larry Kansas City MO
1965 QM Jackman James Queens Village NY
1965 SK Bland Jim Oxnard CA
1965 SK Snow Ronald Los Gatos CA
1965 SN Gill James Los Angeles CA
1965 SN Vaillancourt Norman / Frenchie Lewiston ME
1965 SN Winne Earl Portland OR
1966 CS Lorea Edward Dover DE
1966 DP Mc Alary Sean Philadelphia PA
1966 EM Stevens George Stonington ME
1966 EN Caynor James Okey Columbus OH
1966 IC Perry John Philadelphia PA
1966 MA Wendegatz Gary Juneau WI
1966 RM Kelley Ray Trenton NJ
1966 RM Kelley Ray Trenton NJ
1966 RM Kelley Ray Trenton NJ
1966 RM Kelley Ray Trenton NJ
1966 RM Loraw Chester (skip) Allentown PA
1966 RM Savercool Terry Easton PA
1966 SK Foster Gerry
1966 SK Normand Michael Mansura LA
1966 SK Varnes Douglas Chicago IL
1967 BM Pifer Marvin Berwick PA
1967 EN Wahoo Unk MT
1967 EN Reynolds Mark White Plains NY
1967 FT Nicholson Brent Scotts MI
1967 RD Porte Ric Kansas City KS
1967 RD Wilson Mike El Paso TX
1967 RM Scheel Larry CO
1967 SH Mcdonald Robert L. Fenton MO
1967 SH Mcdonald Robert L. Fenton MO
1967 SK Hughes Tim Buffalo NY
1967 SN Tutterow Alva Bethalto IL
1968 BM Head Robin
1968 CS Allen Foster Beaumont TX
1968 ET Cheatle John Dunkirk NY
1968 FT Tony Balicki PA
1968 SK Chinsky Sheldon Amityville NY
1968 SK Chinsky Sheldon Amityville NY
1968 SM Jalbert Armand St. Petersburg FL





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