Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE CVE-115 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1944 -- Massey Lawrence Statesville NC
1944 ENS Mcgowan Troy Willamina OR
1944 HM Talley Frank Ca CA
1944 LTJG Birnbaum Louis Los Angeles CA
1944 PC Alexander Robert Boonville IN
1944 PC Sever Paul Pittsburg PA
1945 AM Dickey Bernard E. Sioux Falls SD
1945 AM Goddard Russell Goodwin SD
1945 AM Johnson Wallace Wilmington DE
1945 AM Weitz Milton Brooklyn NY
1945 IC Taggart Benard Kansas City MO
1945 LTJG Bernu Leo New York Mills MN
1945 MID2 Loza Carl La CA
1945 MID2 Loza Carl La CA
1945 PH Williams Richard Sheridan WY
1945 PH Williams Richard Sheridan WY
1945 PVT Mcanelley Chester Burkeville TX
1945 RM Markham Charles London OH
1945 SC Hansen Harold St. Paul MN
1945 SM Massey Lawrence Carlisle PA
1945 SM Massey Lawrence Statesville NC
1945 SM Taggart Benard Kansas City MO
1946 AERM Gemes Joe Dublin GA
1946 AK Farnsworth Major Cisco TX
1946 AK Farnsworth Major Cisco TX
1946 AO Turner Frank Milton Freewater OR
1946 LT Moix Richard Conway AR
1946 SC Uncapher Richard (dick) Denver CO
1946 SM Wight Robert Vashon Island WA
1946 SN Jobst Lloyd Minneapolis MN
1946 WT Pegg Edward Peoria IL
1947 PFC Knutson Robert Emmetsburg IA
1947 SK Martinez Ernest Montrose CO
1948 AE Powell William Spartanburg SC
1948 DC Heitman Loren Nauvoo IL
1948 EM Milroy Robert Monterey Park CA
1948 GM Ketelsen Clifford Anamosa IA
1948 LT Kubicki Edward Burnham IL
1949 AM Costain Joseph Mt. Pleasant OH
1949 FN Holmes Charles Beverly MA
1949 SC Darracott Joe Gainesville GA
1950 Thornhill David Baton Rouge LA
1950 AB Rees Richard San Diego CA
1950 AB Waymire Fred Grass Valley CA
1950 AM Glenn Dal Seminole OK
1950 AM Sebastian William Port Townsend GA
1950 AO Goodroe Donald Texarkana TX
1950 AO Goodroe Donald Texarkana TX
1950 HM Schultz Gordon Wautoma WI
1950 IC Belden Charles Rio Oso Ca CA
1950 ME Morgan M.C. Bill Friona TX
1950 MM Allen Harold Little Rock AR
1950 MM Blassingame John Lyndon Center (wheelock) VT
1950 MM Coates Bobbie Webbers Falls. OK
1950 MM Neely Bobbie Lee Webbers Falls OK
1950 MM Pigott Hoke Fort Myers FL
1950 MM Thomas Bobbie Scammon KS
1950 PH Pitre John Huntington Beach CA
1950 RD Harvey Daniel R Seattle WA
1950 RD Mccardle Randall R Newport Coast CA
1950 SC Garrison James Achille OK
1950 SM Hall Clifton Waycross GA
1950 SN Marion Car Joseph Cohoes NY
1950 SN Tucker Franklin Cuthand TX
1951 AB Stacher Vonley Sutter Creek CA
1951 BM Brown David San Diego CA
1951 LCDR Kessler John Susanville CA
1951 LCDR Kessler John Susanville CA
1951 LTJG Thomson John(jack) Portsmouth OH
1951 MM Coates
1951 MM Coates
1951 MM Hammer Lester Beaumont CA
1951 RD Shalla Lester Wymore NE
1951 RD Summers John Buford Kokomo MS
1951 RM France Edgar Natrona Heights PA
1952 AM Myers Donald Tucson AZ
1952 AM Summers Donald Owasso OK
1952 AN Fried ND
1952 BT Tabhan Paul San Antonio TX
1952 EM Blake Charles Louisville OH
1952 ET Gillies Bruce Chatsworth CA
1952 LTJG French Charles Chicago IL
1952 PH Hannon Bob San Diego CA
1952 PH Rowland Bill Downingtown PA
1952 PH Shippey Clarence Los Angeles CA
1952 QM Cox Orville R. (ron) Panama City FL
1952 QM Wiggans Roger Fort Wayne IN
1952 RD Mc Ewen John Toccoa GA
1952 RD Mcewen John Toccoa GA
1952 SH Newman Darrel Redmond OR
1953 Sells James Selmer TN
1953 AB Mcwhirter Donald G. Clarendon TX
1953 AN Johnson William --
1953 BM Tabhan Steve San Antonio TX
1953 DK Gauntt James Seattle WA
1953 ET Dellicker Henry (Deck) Holliston MA
1953 ET Schwedt Ralph Detroit MI
1953 LTJG Del Pozzo Louis Los Angeles CA
1953 RD Meade Charles Paintsville KY
1953 SM Taylor Edward Lake City FL
1955 CPL Pierson Richard Athens OH
2011 HT Reeves Ron Philadelphia PA





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