- Repair Div.

Learned in the Navy: Keep Water in its PLACE!
Every Shipfitter / Hull Tech / DC Man knows you can flood the ship while fighting the fire.
Water has to be controlled or it will make you pay!
FIRST - I've had 3 wax rings on my commode flange in 12 years.

With a circular saw, cut away the margins of the bad flooring layers, and remove the commode flange installed in 1933.
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Replaced the marginal brace on the left and screwed and toe nailed in both braces.
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3/4 inch plywood between the floor joists fore and aft of the drain with deck screws in to the braces and nailed into the joists.
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Another piece of 3/4 inch plywood that forms the floor under the commode and where your feet rest while contemplating the mysteries. Secured with 30-40 deck screws fastening the layers together and nailed to three floor joists.

I used my jig saw to trim the hole to fit the new flange.

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Next the linoleum is put down and the PVC flange is pushed into the drain and screwed in to the floor.

Toilet is set on wax ring and flushing supply water is connected. Head is then operational.

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SECOND - Girlfriend's roof is leaking. Next spring I'm redoing her front porch roof....

Once porch roof is done entire house will be roofed by a contractor - NOT by the Ancient HT!

Time for a generous application of WET PATCH!:
There was a tree, just taken down this year, that kept the NW corner of her roof damp.

I had previously Wet Patched the area next to the dormer - the dull area.

With this leak I put a brush on a pole and just couldn't get the job done - the shiny area

I had to get up the roof and lay it on the bad spot.

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Since her roof is too steep for me - I welded some angle iron "fingers" and mounted them to my single section of extention ladder.
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Almost ready to go. This shows east side that was dried by morning sun and is holding up well.
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The extending fingers, reaching over the peak, with ladder pads from her ladder.
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When in doubt - CALL R DIVISON!!
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A "sculpted" mass of wet patch down the valley between roof and dormer, around the corner packed full and beveled to push flow out away from dormer.
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