Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE CVN-76 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1943 Humbert Robert Rochester NY
1950 CPTN Smith Jean Newport News VA
1984 SCPO Angelicchio Paul Irwin PA
1999 Castro Angel Albany NY
2000 AE Martin Ramon Miami Beach FL
2000 CPTN Crunch Dick Yokosuka JA
2000 CT Williams Dothan AL
2000 LCDR Sikes Charles Atlantic Beach FL
2000 LTJG Baylis Robert MI
2000 MA Geilenfeldt Tim San Diego CA
2000 MCPO Angelicchio Paul Irwin PA
2000 MM Boyle Nicholas Gaylord MI
2000 MM English Bruce Booneville Ms MS
2000 MM Potter Jason Boise ID
2000 MS Dustin Daphne Mojave CA
2000 PH Cartagena Michael Wellington-1511 FL
2001 AB Forant Nathan Miami FL
2001 AB Lancaster Sonya Bronx New York NY
2001 AB Moran Jeremy Sioux Falls SD
2001 AB Moran Jeremy Sioux Falls SD
2001 AB Saucedo Joseph San Antonio TX
2001 AT Dexter Robert North Bend OR
2001 AZ Fletcher Terrence Brooklyn NY
2001 CWO Adams Pat Friendswood TX
2001 EM Smith Ethan Connersville IN
2001 EM Smith Ethan Connersville IN
2001 ET Burton Kelly Eaton OH
2001 ET Livingston Laura Kansas City MO
2001 FC Pedersen Rob Mesa AZ
2001 HT Stokes Ryan Galveston TX
2001 HT Stokes Ryan Galveston TX
2001 IC Boyce Michalle Thomas OK
2001 MM Gayton David Saugerties NY
2001 MM Williams Christopher Rochester NY
2001 MR Cheesman Rocky New Castle IN
2001 OS Milligan Ashley Baton Rouge LA
2002 AB Miller Stephan Lakewood OH
2002 AB Slater Clarence Waynesboro MS
2002 AC Keck Tim Cleveland OH
2002 AO Coleman Rosveyarni Vicksburg MS
2002 AO Gholizadeh Ramtin Southern CA
2002 CPTN Esparza Federico Los Angeles CA
2002 EM Spencer Ted Charlotte NC
2002 ET Feathers Robert San Bernardino CA
2002 ET Walk Phillip Merced CA
2002 HT Brant Dusty Dewey OK
2002 IC Simmons Lance Nj VA
2002 MCPO Conklin Bob Paterson NJ
2002 RM Petropoulakis Anthony York PA
2002 RM Seaman Michael Meadville PA
2002 SK Murray Peter Bloomington IL
2003 -- Taylor Samuel Myrtle Beach SC
2003 AO Lartigue Thaddeus Galveston TX
2003 AT Doe Brian Visalia CA
2003 EM Hake Justin Littleton CO
2003 EM Mascardo Joey Spring Valley CA
2003 ET Harp James Gilman WI
2003 ET Nguyen Trung San Jose CA
2003 LT Wilson Catherine Hilton Head SC
2003 MM Henriksen Brian Sacramento CA
2003 MM Lansford Scott Jasper AL
2003 PN Flucker Latakia Dathon AL
2003 PN Flucker Latakia Dathon AL
2003 PR Santiago Alexander Puerto Rico VA
2003 SK Carmody Kurt Los Angeles CA
2004 Almes Amy
2004 AD Wheeler Jeremy Atlanta GA
2004 AM Mcgirt(vaw-117) Jacqueline Canyon Country CA
2004 AM Murray Buck Seaside OR
2004 CPO Ross Robb Wilton ME
2004 CS Cromwell Henrietta Los Angels CA
2004 EM Bowen Vincent Butte MT
2004 HM Galvez Christopher San Fernando Valley CA
2004 HT Garrigan Desi Grand Prairie TX
2004 HT Griffin Mark Portales NM
2004 LT Wright Sean Chicopee MA
2004 MM Webb James Cololumbus OH
2004 PH Foster Sarah San Diego CA
2004 TM Flint Victor Bakersfield CA
2005 AC Morin Renae Plymouth MI
2005 AT Carroll Terry Birmingham AL
2005 CPO Elacio Amor Philippines CA
2005 IC Burns Lawrence San Antonio TX
2005 IC Deneault Nathan Topeka KS
2005 LCDR Mercer Christopher Fayetteville NC
2005 MM Carder Greg Lima OH
2005 OS Watson Eric Clinton OK
2006 RM Faciane Ashley Anchorage AK
2006 RM Friesen Matthew Dewitt NE
2007 EA Lalwani Michael Michigan CA
2007 HT Schultz Dave Hubbard OH
2007 IC Beltran Anastasia Dallas CA
2007 MM Sherman Joseph Buffalo NY
2007 MR Lauterwasser Ashley St. Charles MO
2007 OS Wilson David Lebanon PA
2008 BM Hill Emily Hemlock NY
2008 DC Hall Patrick San Diego CA
2008 IC Dewalt Jeremy San Antonio TX
2008 LCDR Rabern Warren Atlanta GA
2009 AO Brantley Nicholas Houston TX
2010 BM Rosales Tomas Chowchilla CA
2017 LN Dalton Stephan Philadelphia PA





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